Purchase "Striking at the Roots: A Practical Guide to Animal Activism"
“Wow! An amazing resource just got more amazing! What’s not to love about a book with kindness at its heart that offers guidance on activist topics from leafleting to self-care? With updated information, this sympathetic, engaged, and trustworthy guide has become even more inspiring.”
— Carol J. Adams, author of The Sexual Politics of Meat and Burger
“Striking at the Roots is an eloquent and inspirational guide to action for animals. The power to change society rests with each and every one of us – it’s not enough to change ourselves, we have an obligation to planet Earth, to the web of life itself, to change others. This book motivates and informs, puts the passion into compassion and will save lives.”
— Juliet Gellatley, founder and director of Viva!
“With Striking at the Roots, Mark Hawthorne shows that anyone can help achieve remarkable victories for animals. Within these pages, longtime activists from around the world offer their practical advice on bringing your message to the public, staging a protest, getting a restaurant or dining hall to offer vegan options, avoiding activist burnout, and much more. From leafleting and letter-writing, to the legal system and even dealing with critics, this is an inspirational, must-read guidebook for effective grassroots animal advocacy. I wish this book had been around when I was a new animal activist!”
— Nathan Runkle, founder of Mercy For Animals
“Striking at the Roots helped guide my advocacy when I first read it nearly a decade ago. I can’t wait to see the next generation of compassionate crusaders shine a light in the dark and inspire people to choose more consciously with the advice in this new edition. We each have limited time on this planet. This book will help you make the most of it.”
— Michelle Taylor Cehn, founder of World of Vegan
“This book is an exceptional resource for people who want to help prevent animal abuse. Mark Hawthorne offers clear, concise actions we can take in our everyday lives that really do make a difference. And he reminds us that we don’t have to sacrifice ourselves to the cause to be effective. In fact, we are better advocates if we don’t. Informative, engaging, easy to read and inspiring. If you care about animals, read this book.”
— Stephen Wells, executive director of the Animal Legal Defense Fund
“I was looking for this very book years ago when I first decided that I wanted to do something to protect animals from the many ways they’re threatened by human activities. Unfortunately, this book didn’t exist then, but I’m grateful it does now. For anyone who’s ever said ‘How can I help?’ this is the answer you’ve been looking for. Full of fantastic resources and wonderfully comprehensive!”
— Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, author and host of “Food for Thought” and “Animalogy”
“Striking at the Roots is a practical field guide for animal rights activists that covers a wide spectrum of strategies and tactics for dealing with the media, the courts, the streets, and those foul dark places of horror where animals are so cruelly treated, and where compassionate activists must reluctantly venture, in pursuit of effective intervention. If you are serious about helping animals, then you should seriously read this book.”
— Captain Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
“Brilliant, easy to read, full of real-life experiences and practical examples. If you want to make your life count, influence others and save a few thousand lives, this book is your roadmap. Give it to everyone you know!”
— Ingrid Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
“With Striking at the Roots, Mark Hawthorne gives activists the roadmap they need to create the most impact for animals. This is an essential tool for our movement.”
— Ari Solomon, host of The VeganAri Show
“In Striking at the Roots, Mark Hawthorne manages to set before us the full horrors of man’s inhumanity to animals without leaving the reader feeling helpless and puny. He has talked to campaigners in many countries, analyzing what works and, having done so, can signpost the way to positive action. His writing is lucid, shrewd and results-driven. He advises on everything from talking to the public at a street stall to affecting a change of policy at a major corporation. There is also guidance on how to survive emotionally the knowledge that, second by second, money and prestige come to those who mass produce, abuse and dispose of animals. His message is that the task we face is immense but that when people of compassion apply themselves skillfully, we have what it takes to change the world.”
— Andrew Tyler, former director of Animal Aid
“Striking at the Roots by Mark Hawthorne is an eloquent reminder that in this age of big organizations, big money, and big media, it’s still the individual activist who makes the real difference. Clear, practical guidance on everything from letter writing to civil disobedience is combined with inspiring and edifying stories of people from around the world who are making their voices heard for the animals. A must-read for both the veteran activist and the person who wants to get involved but isn’t quite sure how to get started. I wish it had been available when I got started as an animal activist, and I’m certainly glad it’s here now. It ranks with the best guides to animal advocacy that have ever been written.”
— Norm Phelps, author of The Longest Struggle: Animal Advocacy from Pythagoras to PETA and The Great Compassion: Buddhism and Animal Rights
“From publicizing an issue to taking action, from feeding a large group to running a rescue center, activists will find this guide from veteran animal-rights crusader Hawthorne detailed, straightforward and highly practical, even if your cause isn’t animal rights. Drawing on his own experience and those of his colleagues, Hawthorne provides advice from a number of perspectives on a long list of methods: leafleting, letters and articles, protests, corporate campaigning, internet outreach, direct action and government lobbying. Though it’s concerned throughout with inter-species justice, providing an adequate introduction to the principles, history and progress of the animal rights movement, as well as numerous animal rights resources, the book’s tips on tabling, organizing protests, effective letter-writing and other matters are just as easily applied to any cause. Concise guidance, an empowering tone and a large, global community of voices make this book eminently useful for anyone organizing a movement, though Hawthorne’s optimism can belie the often difficult path to change.”
— Publishers Weekly